"The Gifts of Nature"
This year’s theme is centered around The Gifts of Nature. The performance will focus on the beauties and intricacies offered by nature, with a special performance based on the Sky Woman, an Iroquois legend of creation that explores good versus evil and the nourishment provided by Mother Earth. The Haudenosaunee have always recognized that people are complex, possessing both good and bad qualities. The Creation story serves as a reminder: no human is flawless– the Great Spirit alone is perfect.
Dancers, aerialists, musicians and narrators have a spectacular show for you!
Wednesday, December 20
6:00p - Open Dress Rehearsal
7:30p - Featured Performance
Thursday, December 21st
I:00p - Afternoon Matinee
7:30p - Featured Performance
Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre
738 North 5th Avenue
Our dress rehearsal on Wednesday, December 20th will be open to the public for viewing. A donation of your choice is greatly appreciated. Opening curtain for the dress rehearsal is set for 6:00p on the same day.
This year’s nature-themed performance is influenced by the Haudenosaunee creation story in which the sky goddess falls to the earth during creation, eventually giving birth to Earth Mother. Artist Ernest Smith is an Iroquois (Seneca) artist who uses a Western painting style to illustrate the traditional beliefs and culture of his band. His original work of art, "Sky Woman", was created as part of the Works Progress Administration’s Indian Art Project in 1936. More information on the indigenous peoples who have passed this story through generations can be found at:
ZUZI! Dance Company