"No Frills" Dance Happenin'
Guest Artist Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in ZUZI's "No Frills" Dance Happenin' performance. Please review the submission information below before filling out the form.
There is a required meet up at the Valley of the Moon on Thursday, March 30th from 5:30-8pm. The
location of this outdoor fantasy park is 2544 Allen Rd, Tucson. Please check the website:
If you choose to use the walkway, all pieces are required to be under 4 minutes and you will perform 4 repetitions depending on our audience turnout. There is also a cement stage in the main grassy area that is available to perform. On the stage you will perform only one time and can be 5 minutes
or under.
Submissions need to be in no later than March 18th. Please send your submission to If you are performing on the stage, send your music to no later than March 18th as an mp3 or wav. Make sure you provide the title of your piece and your name and test your music before sending. If you are performing along the walkways, please access your own sound.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact Nanette at
Please use the "donate" button to pay the $30 entrance fee.

Please click the "donate" button below to pay the $30 entrance fee (if applicable):